Written and performed by C.Circo & sknob
C.Circo: electronics, mixing and mastering
sknob: guitars, bass, lyrics and vocals
Licence: CC-BY-NC-SA
About the track
C.Circo: I had started working on a remix of sknob's track C'est quoi (le bonkwave) and was really enjoying the process when the call for the Radio Free Fedi Comfy Compilation came out. I immediately thought to reach out to sknob to see if they were interested in collaborating, and then we started on our comfy track journey :)
sknob: C.Circo sent me a cool eight-bar, four-chord groove on keys. I figured out the chords, and came up with an acoustic guitar accompaniment, altering the chords into major seventh territory. I then added a melody doubled on acoustic guitar and vibraphone, an electric guitar ostinato, and then added the vocal melody and improvised lyrics. I sent this sixteen-bar layer-cake back to C.Circo.
C.Circo: When I got the tracks from sknob and started playing them, I couldn't help but smile at how sknob had produced such a great accompaniment to the short eight-bar elements I had sent along. Generally, I don’t work with vocals or guitars, so it was a delight to see how my parts and sknob's parts were melding the more I listened. Then I started mixing the various parts together and drawing them out in a full first draft of a track in a very C.Circo-esque experimental/electronic way :)
sknob: I wasn’t prepared for what I got back. The original groove and my layer-cake refracted through shards of splintered glass? A cubist interpretation of the original material? I was totally destabilized, and delighted by the feeling! Although I do have to shamefully admit that I requested the main vocal be somewhat re-aligned with the deconstructed music in one spot, accidentally creating a canon in the process.
C.Circo: It was great to have sknob send me back changes they wanted to see on the first draft. I really didn't want them to feel like they couldn't provide their honest opinions and feedback. So, taking some of the changes and re-aligning the vocals, I started on draft #2 of the track and then, if I remember correctly, I changed up the outro slightly to incorporate some additional vocals + fx elements. I would totally collaborate with sknob again in a heartbeat!
sknob: So would I! It’s safe to say that Radio Free Fedi is probably the best thing to happen to independent non-corporate music in a long time, and the collaborations on this album are a testament to that fact. It was a total pleasure to build this track with C.Circo, and a thrill to be pushed out of my comfy zone, which would never have happened sans RFF. Merci Monsieur le Hamster.
C.Circo: Radio Free Fedi has meant so much to me. Not only for the artists and community that I have discovered and connected with, but what it stood for and still stands for in my mind. A way to build-up a community and support each other to be able to create. It really spread out beyond just the RFF site and injected life into so many other elements of the fediverse, and I will always be grateful for that.
You are far away
But you are not alone
You are welcome to stay
In the comfy zone