Deborah Pickett:2023 and 2024 were years of enormous growth on the Fediverse. Many musicians were just starting to market themselves on the platform they'd arrived on. Discovery was helped enormously by the single-handed efforts of Radio Free Fedi, concentrating all the good music of the Fedi in one place.
A curated subset of the Radio Free Fedi playlist was spun off into its own channel. This was the music that had no sharp edges, no jump scares, just glorious musicality from go to woe. There wasn't a formula for inclusion, just an ineffable vibe, but the Comfy channel became Radio Free Fedi's most streamed channel.
Radio Free Fedi is no more, a phenomenon impossible to sustain, but our connections remain, and many of us have forged lasting musical relationships and friendships.
This collection was Leigh from sideSister's idea. After recording our respective parts for Leave the Light On, the question came up about where it would be published. Neither sideSister's albums nor my Futzle: The Musical were right for it, so Leigh suggested that I put the call out to other musicians who'd been a part of Radio Free Fedi, and make a compilation.
More than a dozen people have contributed this love letter to RFF. I love the sheer variety of interpretations of "comfy" in the six tracks in this collection. It's never been clearer the truth of the RFF hamster's quip: the vibe that earns a song the label "comfy" can't be put into words.
Sit back, make yourself comfortable, and enjoy the vibe.
Select the More links for each track for lyrics, production notes, and links to the artists' other music.
Album art by Deborah Pickett.